Cover of the latest Marker Lamp |
If you are interested in what is going on in the Lone Star Region (LSR) of the NMRA, the latest issue of the Marker Lamp is available online. This is my first issue as editor, and I am currently taking suggestions for how this publication can move from print to digital with all that the virtual publishing realm has to offer. These new features will be discussed and developed over the course of the next several issues and then thoughtfully incorporated into this new form.
If you live in the area of the LSR, you should consider becoming a member of the LSR and the NMRA to help support the efforts to improve the hobby, to meet, enjoy and learn from the other members, and to participate in the many events the local, regional and national organizations produce. Of course you should also consider joining if you live elsewhere (regional memberships are processed through the NMRA according to where you live), and you are always welcomed to get a digital copy of the quarterly Marker Lamp. Next publishing date is May 15.